CS-UJ Seminar: "Foundations of Analytic Information Theory, Machine Learning, and AI"
When: October 21 till November 8 every day at 17:00 EU time and 11/12am EST USA time.
Zoom (same link for seminar dates): https://purdue-edu.zoom.us/j/548154976
A three week seminar series by CSoI together with faculty and students at Jagiellonian University, Poland .
The following unpublished yet book will be used and students are encouraged to brose through it:
"Analytic Information Theory: From Compression to Learning" by M. Drmota and W. Szpankowski
(see https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/spa/temp/ait22.pdf )
The following two books will be useful:
1 "Analysis of Algorithms on Sequences" by W. Szpankowski, Willey 2001
(see https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/spa/mybook.pdf).
2 "Analytic Pattern Matching: From DNA to Twitter", by P. Jacquet and W. Szpankowski
(see https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/spa/temp/words15.pdf)
Schedule for October 21-November 8, 2024:
October 21, at 11:00/17:00
W. Szpankowski (Purdue) and Changlong Wu (Purdue)
Organizational Meeting
October 22, at 11:00/17:00
"What is information"
Recorded Lecture: https://mediaspace.itap.purdue.edu/media/t/1_e2qlvsat
October 23 11:00/17:00
Analytic Information Theory: Part I & II
Recorded Lecture: https://mediaspace.itap.purdue.edu/media/t/1_47u9kkr0
October 23 11:00/17:00
Analytic Information Theory: Part II
Recorded Lecture: https://mediaspace.itap.purdue.edu/media/t/1_rw88o14l
October 24 at 11:00/17:00
From Analytic Information Theory to Analytic Learning Theory
Recorded Lecture: https://mediaspace.itap.purdue.edu/media/t/1_g1q6zx9a
October 25 at 11:00/17:00
Structural and Temporal Information
Recorded Lecture: https://mediaspace.itap.purdue.edu/media/t/1_hwv6s8eh
October 28 at 12:00/17:00
Basic Machine Learning: Learning from Expert Advice
Recorded Lecture:
October 29 at 12:00/17:00
Minimax Regret in Online Learnings
Recorded Lecture:
October 30 at 12:00/17:00
Special Losses
Recorded Lecture:
October 31 at 12:00/17:00
Computational Efficiency, Hybrid Settings, and Randomization
Recorded Lecture:
November 1 at 12:00/17:00
Introduction to Large Language Models
Recorded Lecture:
November 4: Student presentations
November 5:
November 6: Student presentations